Lee’s new stable and secure home | News

Lee’s new stable and secure home

A stable home can transform lives by providing safety, independence, and the value of community.

Redwing are proud to be helping 68 people move into homes across Liverpool after experiencing homelessness.   

We’ve supported people like Lee into a home through the Housing First programme, in partnership with Resonance and Liverpool City Council.

With a focus on providing ‘housing first’, the scheme helps people to rebuild their lives through access to stable housing as the first step to independent living. The scheme is a lifeline to those sleeping rough or facing a housing crisis across Liverpool.

At Redwing, it’s been our role in the partnership to welcome tenants and manage their tenancies  with a smooth transition that is easy and a positive experience, from application and sign up to move in and beyond.

We recently caught up with Lee, one of our tenants, to hear about his experience.

Here’s Lee’s story… 


So Lee, tell us about yourself…


“I grew up In Harringay, North London, and moved to the Wirral when I was 27 years old. I met someone and got married here. I worked in a few different jobs in and around the Wirral.”


Tell us about your experience with homelessness…


“I fell into a period of poor mental health that led to me becoming homeless. I sofa-surfed for several years before entering the hostel system in central Birkenhead. During the pandemic, I was living in the YMCA in Birkenhead, which was a challenging time.   


“It was very challenging as it was difficult to access support from specialist services for mental/ physical health. Most of all, it was difficult for me to remain in contact with my children. My physical and mental health deteriorated, and I was very low.   


How has life been different since moving into your home?


“Since moving into a home with Redwing and Resonance it’s made such a difference. It’s like night and day, I feel like I’m free form an environment where I felt really vulnerable, and I have been able to take back my independence and live how I want to with support from Housing First. Also, I able to make health appointments now and get to them as my doctors is really close.   


“When I moved in, I felt good that I could share this experience with my children who were now able to visit me and make new memories, I have realised that all you have are memories and imagination for the future and I am enjoying living in the present and making these memories.   


How has your quality of life improved?


“The difference my new home has made - my quality of life is completely different than what it was beforehand, I feel safe here.    Having a stable home means a lot to me and as I can choose to do what I want when I want in my own time, and I haven’t been able to do that for a very long time.   


It has helped me move on as I can now see my family regularly.


What’s the best thing that’s happened since you moved in?


“My achievement since moving in is buying all my own furniture, having the place how I want it, and getting to know my neighbours either side of me – they’re really nice people and we all get along really well!


“The home is amazing too, I’ve had next to no repairs since I’ve moved in! I also get along with my neighbours either side of me – they’re really nice people.”


How was the process of moving in with Redwing?


It was quick and easy! I had a lot going on at the time and but it wasn’t stressful at all which was good for me.


“I didn’t have to worry about it as they were so friendly and sorted everything out for me, especially my Property Manager. If I needed to report repairs or any issues they were always there.”


Tell us about the support you receive…


“Redwing were amazing at helping me move in and secure my home, from setting up my rent to checking the property is okay each month and providing support if I need it.


“I also receive ongoing support from Housing First who helped me to set up my utility accounts and helped me to pick my furniture. I also can now have visits to my flat for my mental health support worker.”


What’s next for you?


“I take it day by day but I feel positive about the future. I have two new grandchildren and my children bring them round and we have family meals here, which I just can’t wait to continue doing more of.”


Lee’s journey is just one example of the many lives transformed through our partnership with Resonance and Housing First. At Redwing, we believe that everyone deserves a safe and stable place to call home as we understand the impact it has, especially on our tenants through this partnership. Lee, we’re all super proud of you!

Ella Lowe, PRS Portfolio Officer at Redwing said: “It’s been amazing to work with Resonance and Housing First to help people like Lee find and settle into a new home after experiencing homelessness. Lee’s transformation since moving in with Redwing has been incredible – he’s reconnected with his family and gained so much confidence. Watching the impact this partnership has had on our tenant’s lives is brilliant, together we’re making a real difference and it makes me so proud to come into work every day.”


If you want to learn more about our initiatives, support our mission, or get involved, please speak to our team at partners@redwing.co.uk .

If you or anyone you know is experiencing homelessness, please contact Liverpool City Council's 24 hour helpline on 0300 123 2041. 

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